【戸田音頭愛唱♡青春60歳】ヤフオクに新品でないパンティーを大量に出品している人がいますが、これは下着泥棒の在庫処分なんでしょうか。そうしたものを購入して危険はないですかね?私は薄給ですが、現業職公務員ですから、信用にかかわるのは困ります。 それと北海道砂川市立病院で臨時職員(調理)募集していると知ったのですが、砂川は住みやすいところですか。田舎でもパチスロはありますね。ヒグマに襲われたりしませんかね?冬は厳しいですかね?
brambles too unforgiving of bare skin, the insects too thirsty for our blood. But still, our skin is our largest sense organ. Wearing clothes when we don't need them is like wearing a blindfold over our eyes or earplugs in our ears. We miss so much - the warmth of sunlight, the coolness of fog or a waterfall's mist, the caress of the breezes, mud between our toes, a summer rain tunneling down our flanks. Everything has a price; life is full of trade-offs. Like a street vendor in a middle-eastern bazaar, nature is always offering us incredible bargains. If we don't want his fine, hand-made pottery today, perhaps some rare, imported silks. Because he knows we are uniquely able to appreciate the quality of his wares, he will let us have our choice for an outrageously low price. What will we choose, if the only price nature asks today is to give up our clothes for a few hours or a day? A taste of freedom? An ample bouquet of new sensations? A feeling of connectedness and belongingness to the natural world? Yes, and what if we could afford at times to splurge, to be without our clothes for
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