メーカー営業ですが、将来の転職を考えて英語か中国語を腰を据えて勉強しようと思っております。英語は受験で少しだけ得意だったこともあり、通勤中にスマホアプリで勉強したりして今TOEIC800点あります。中国語は全く分かりませんが、現職の市場的に英語と同じくらい需要があり、転職サイトでも必須要件として挙げられていることが多いです。どちらかを3-4年かけてビジネスレベルまで持って行けたらなぁと思っていますがどちらが良いと思われますか? 今ある程度のレベルがある英語をやっていく方が楽だとは思いますが、昨今英語は割と誰でもペラペラ話せるイメージがあるので中国語の方がいいのかなといういやらしい考えを持っていたりします。
You seem to be boasting about having obtained 800 score on a notorious TOEIC L&R, but that score won't be boasted about at all. In recent years, even some elementary school kids can get 800 score or higher on an infamous TOEIC L&R. TOEIC, especially L&R, is just a simple game of choosing the best answer from the designated options with 200 questions to answer within two hours. You don't have to be able to write or speak decent English. That's what TOEIC L&R is. So there are still a lot of Japanese people like you who cannot have just even a simple conversation with native English speakers even though they have actually obtained a higher score on TOEIC L&R. That's a harsh reality and just ridiculous. Whether you will be able to improve your English skills to a business level in three or four years depend a lot on what industry or job you could make use of your boasting English skills of 800 score on TOEIC L&R. Also what kind of job you want to get using English or Chinese. You are boastfully saying that you are fluent in English, but that's not just enough. What is more important is whether your boasting English skills would really meet the requirements of your future job you want to get.
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