日系企業と外資系企業の教育体制や仕事の違いを教えてくださいこんにちは. 将来的に日本の化粧品や消費財メーカーを世界で一位にしたいという拙い野望があります. そこで質問なのですがこの目的のためには,最初は外資大手に行ってマーケティングや商法を学ぶとかのほうがいいんでしょうか.日本企業はマーケティングが弱い,ということを何回か小耳に挟みました. 日本企業も作るモノとしては絶対負けていないと思うので,なんというか,歯がゆいのです. 日系企業の教育とかってどうなってるんでしょう 経験のある方いらっしゃいませんか? 是非教えていただきたいです.
I think so, I don't know what is No1 in the world U sad. Ns? Ros? Hed acount? Average salary? or ? I'm working in the marketing department of foreign company now. I think it isn't limited 2 marketing, those of foreign companies and are substantial Japanese companies than the quality of the training 2 their employees. The first place "2 be studied on their own" culture of Japanese companies. So corporate culture is that training employees is not well-established in many Japanese companies still now. Person of foreign companies is a good idea if U're of that want U 2 training to corporate expertise. And this is not just about marketing. However, do U do so excellent? Do U do an excellent enough 2 go 2 the marketing of foreign U want 2 go? I think so U need over 900 score of TOEIC If U work in the marketing of foreign? Is that U had such a question, I've never thinked U are excellent. B.R.
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