しか取れませんでした。 語彙、文法が弱いのだと思います。 ただ、構成や内容でも満点をとったことがないのでなぜなのか理由が知りたいです。 よろしくお願いします。 以下問題文と回答です。 問題文 TOPIC Today, more and more young people are starting their own companies. Do you think this is a good idea? (POINTS: Experience,Freedom, Income) 回答 I think it is a good idea that more and more young people are starting their own companies. This essay will explain two reasons for my argument in terms of income and freedom. First, starting their own companies makes their income go up. As a result, they can spend much money for change, such as going shopping and this lead to their spiritual abandance. Second, those young people can have Time that they can use freely. For instance, by constructing their company near their houses, they can reduce the amount of time spent on commuting and have enough time for sleeping. For the reasons mentioned above, I believe young people should stant their own companies.