準一級ライティングの採点と添削をお願いしたいです。 大体何割くらいか目安を教えていただければ幸いです。 topic Agree or disagree:Big companies have a positive effect on society POINTS ● products ● The economy ● the environment ● work-life balance I agree with the statement that big companies have a positive effect on society.I have two reasons to support my opinion. First of all, it is easier to have work-life balance.I think that work-life balance is the most important thing while you work.And If you are hired by big company, you can keep proper balance between work and life.For example, you can take absent easily when you got cold, because other employee can do your job instead. Secondly, they make our life better.Big companies always gives good products for us.However some people say that big companies does not think about environment.On the other hand, they grow up the economy so that they need to make good product Even If it make environment worser. In conclusion,I affirm that big companies have a positive effect on society.
文法は take absent って言う表現とso that の使い方が怪しい。確かじゃないけど 内容は根拠の一つ目は大方問題ないと思う。強いて言うなら他の従業員が~って言うところに大企業だからいっぱい社員いるからって言う理由があった方がより適切かも。まあ別になくても良いか。 二つ目の根拠は良い製品を作っているっていうとこがちょっと弱いかな。大企業だから研究が強い的なニュアンスを入れられたらよきかも。あと、環境悪くしてるけど~っていう譲歩なのかもしれんけど製品よくても環境悪化させてたらダメじゃね?と個人的に。 ただ8割はいってるとは思う。採点基準知らんけど。 英検のライティングって文字数制限ありましたっけ?
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