内容から判断すると英検学習をされる方がいいように思われます。 TOEICはビジネス英語的な要素があって精読より速読速解情報処理力を問われる試験です。一方英検の試験は内容が歴史文化、社会・科学、政治経済、ビジネスと幅広い分野の英文を読み、アカデミック要素が強い試験です。 本当に世界標準で戦える英語力なのかと英検を疑問視される意見もありますが 英語学習のモチベアップが目的なら、英検が適していると思います。 4技能の実力が満遍なくわかります。目標としてまずは2級から準1級、1級が到達できれば十分です。
I'm not sure what you do, but I recommend reading English newspapers online if you want to improve your reading comprehension skills in English. Here is how you do. Firstly, find some articles you are interested in. Secondly, make some summaries of them in English. Finally, get a native English teacher to check your English summary. Listening to NHK radio's English courses would help improve your listening comprehension skills in English. I don't recommend taking a notorious TOEIC L&R. You don't seem to have taken TOEIC L&R so far. TOEIC L&R is just a simple game of choosing the best answer from the designated options of 200 questions that you have to answer each question within limited two hours. So, what is most required in taking TOEIC L&R is just time management skills meaning how fast, efficiently, and correctly answer each question within limited two hours. EIKEN requires you to be able to speak or write decent English. https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp/
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