英検2級のライティング添削お願いします! スコア2300狙ってること前提にお願いしたいです!ライティングでめっちゃ稼ぎたいです、、Today, some customers ask delivery companies to put packages by their doors instead of receiving them directly. Do you think this kind of service will become more common in the future? POINTS • Convenience • Damage • Security I think that this kind of service will become more comomon in the further. I have two reasons. To begin with, this way is very safety for people. Espencially woman who is living alone and kids. They do not need to worry about being attcked by deliver who is man. Secound, when packages are deliveried,customer do not have to be home so they can go out shopping and playing. therefore I think that this kind of service will become more common in the future.
内容: 3/4 安全性や利便性について一つの例だけでなく、別の例を挙げながら、もう少し掘り下げた内容にした方がいいですね。 構成: 2/4 文章の繋げ方が雑。接続詞を上手に使って読み手にも分かり易い文章構成が必要ですね。 それから"shopping and playing"とすると「買い物と遊びを一緒にやる」という意味になるのでshopping or playingにした方がいいです。 文法: 1/4 *スペルミス: "comomon" (common)、"further" (future)、"Secound" (Second)、"deliveried" (delivered)。 *表現ミス: "very safety" (very safe)、"deliver who is man" (male delivery person)。 あとカンマや冠詞が抜けたりなど、文法ミスが散見されます。 語彙: 2/4 "woman"は"women"に、"kids"は"children"。ライティングで"kids"は使いません!
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