英検2級のライティングについて質問です いつもライティングの点が一番低く落ちます それで、採点を頼みたいです。Topic:Some people say that Japan should use the internet for people to vote in elections. Do you agree with this opinion? Points:convenience,cost,security 本文 I agree that Japan should use the internet for people to vote in elections. There are two reasons why I consider this way. First of all,internet voting for elections has some advantages.For example, voters can vote their home, we can reduce the cost of elections. Second,recently digital technology is developing.So,security systems are very nice. For these reasons, I agree that Japan Should use the internet for people to vote in elections 80 words 以上です。英検のライティング目線での採点お願いしたいです。 250枚
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