英検3級のライティング対策として、英文を4つ作ってみました。 回答としておかしなところや改善点があればご教示願います。 受験者は小学6年生になります。Which do you like better,playing baseball or playing soccer ? ① I like playing baseball better. ② I have two reasons. ③ First, I can hit very well. ④ Second, it is a lot of fun for me to play baseball. Do you want to live abroad in the future ? ① I want to live in Hawaii. ② I have two reasons. ③ First, I can go to the sea. ④ Second, it is a lot of fun for me to go to Hawaii. Where do you want to go during your summer vacation ? ① I want to go to Hawaii. ② I have two reasons. ③ First, I can go to the sea. ④ Second, it is a lot of fun for me to go to Hawaii. What is your favorite place ? ① My favorite place is Hawaii. ② I have two reasons. ③ First, I can go to the sea. ④ Second, it is a lot of fun for me to go to Hawaii.
Do you want to live abroad in the future? ① I want to live in Hawaii. ② I have two reasons. ③ First, I can go to the sea. ④ Second, it is a lot of fun for me to go to Hawaii. →回答がズレてます。質問は、「将来海外に住みたいですか?」なので、最初はYes/Noで答えるべきで、回答者がどこに住みたいかは聞いていません。 また④ですが、ハワイにいくのは楽しいって、住んでるのに行くってどういうことですか?なぜ楽しいと思うのかをもっと明確にすべきです。(例えば食べ物が美味しいとかハワイの文化が好きだとか)抽象的な表現は避けて下さい。 Where do you want to go during your summer vacation? ① I want to go to Hawaii. ② I have two reasons. ③ First, I can go to the sea. ④ Second, it is a lot of fun for me to go to Hawaii. →これも2番目と同様、なにが楽しいのかを書く必要があります。 What is your favorite place ? ① My favorite place is Hawaii. ② I have two reasons. ③ First, I can go to the sea. ④ Second, it is a lot of fun for me to go to Hawaii. →これも2番目と同様、なにが楽しいのかを書く必要があります。
< 質問に関する求人 >
< いつもと違うしごとも見てみませんか? >