  • 解決済み

英語に直して欲しいです! 自己PRで使う予定のものです。 自分でも英語にしてみたのですが他の言い回しなども知りたいた…

英語に直して欲しいです! 自己PRで使う予定のものです。 自分でも英語にしてみたのですが他の言い回しなども知りたいためお願いいたします! 私のアピールポイントは4つあります。1点目は海外に住んでいたこともあり、得意であり自分自身の強みとも考えている英語を活用できる点です。2点目にはイベント運営や案内といったアルバイトを経験しており、その場に合わせて臨機応変に自分から動くことや自分のできることを積極的に探す中で培った周囲の方と一緒に現場を作り上げる経験も応用できると考えています。 3点目は中学高校では礼法の授業がありそこで得た正しい所作や振る舞いを更に磨いていき、内面の美しさも兼ね備えた女性になりたいと思った点です。 最後に自分の長所とも考えている自分自身だけでなく周りを明るくすることができる点を、イベントや番組アシスタントを通して活かし周りを活気づけてたいと思っております。




  • ベストアンサー

    I think I have four strong points about myself. The first is English. I have lived abroad and I am good at English, so it is my own strength. The second is my ability to respond flexibly. I have worked part-time at events and as an information clerk. I have the ability to judge the situation on the spot and take work action on my own initiative, and to actively cooperate with the people around me. I am able to carry out necessary tasks in cooperation with those around me. Thirdly, I have acquired the manners and behaviour of the right person in the right place, which I developed in etiquette classes at junior and senior high school. I would like to continue to further hone these skills and become a woman with even more inner beauty. The fourth and final point is that I can cheerfully entertain the people around me. I would like to make use of these four points, which I consider to be my strengths, to contribute to the workplace as an assistant at various events and programmes, and to enliven everyone.

  • I wonder whether you have sufficient English skills to make your self-introduction in English in public even if I create a draft for you. I'm sure you would take much more time to memorize the draft that others have prepared for you completely than you create yourself. And that's not your appeal point though you introduce yourself with the draft made by others. You seem to be boasting about yourself in your self-introduction, but those who use a draft made by others won't be their actual appeal point.

  • ChatGPT にフォーマルな例とくだけた例を作らせてみました。 ——- ChatGPT フォーマルな自己紹介スピーチ: Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen, Allow me to introduce myself. My name is [Your Name] and I would like to share with you four key points that highlight my strengths and appeal. Firstly, one of my strong points is my proficiency in English, which I consider a valuable asset due to my experience living abroad. Having resided in different countries, I have honed my English skills and I am confident in my ability to effectively communicate in the language. Secondly, I have gained valuable experience in event management and customer service through part-time jobs, where I had the opportunity to adapt quickly to different situations. I take initiative and proactively contribute to creating a vibrant atmosphere by identifying tasks I can handle efficiently and collaborating with others. Thirdly, during my middle and high school years, I took etiquette and manners classes, which instilled in me a deep appreciation for proper conduct and refinement. I aspire to become a woman who not only possesses inner beauty but also embodies grace and poise. Lastly, I believe that one of my greatest strengths is my ability to uplift those around me. Whether it's through assisting at events or being a program assistant, I take pleasure in bringing positivity and energy to my surroundings. It is my goal to invigorate and inspire others through my vibrant personality. Thank you for your attention. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute my skills and qualities to this esteemed organization. くだけた自己紹介スピーチ: Hey everyone, So, let me tell you a bit about myself. I've got four cool things to share that make me stand out from the crowd. First off, I'm a total English whiz. You know why? I've lived overseas, man! It's given me mad skills in English, and I can totally rock any conversation in that language. Secondly, I've had some awesome gig experiences doing event management and stuff. I've learned to be adaptable and quick on my feet, you know? I'm all about making things happen and working with others to create an epic vibe. Now, check this out. In middle and high school, I actually took etiquette classes. Yeah, you heard that right! I wanted to be a classy and elegant chick, inside and out. So, I've got the right moves and manners, my friends. Last but not least, one of my biggest strengths is my ability to bring positivity and light up the room. Whether I'm assisting at events or being a kick-ass program assistant, I love spreading good vibes and energizing everyone around me. That's me in a nutshell, folks. Thanks for listening, and I'm stoked to bring my skills and enthusiasm to the table. Let's rock it together!



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