集団塾ならどちらか一方でいいと思いますが個別となると両方できた方がいいです。 個別においてどちらかしか任せられないとなると、受験生が過去問を解く時期になった場合担当が突然変わらないといけない可能性も生まれてきます。 そのため個別でやるなら両方できた方がいいです。 集団ならどちらかでいいですが専門性は求められます。
That depends on the cram school you will teach at. I only taught English to junior high and high school students at an individual tutoring school for about ten years. But most cram schools have part-time teachers take the written test they teach there. I took only the English written test. You first have to pass this written test. You also have to take teaching training for about a few weeks. These two are done at most cram schools.
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